What is JERO Coin?

JERO COIN is the official crypto-currency of Metapera.

JERO Coin is an ECR-20 utility coin built on Polygon Network (MATIC) which serves as the basis for transactions within the METAPERA. On 27 January 2022, 77.520.008 JERO COIN in total were minted and no more coins will be minted after this initial minting, making this number the ‘total market cap’ for JERO COIN.

As REITLION Metaverse applications advances, these coins will be widely used in METAPERA. All purchases in the METAPERA will be made through JERO COIN together with the REIT tokens. All assets, lands, units, districts, NFTs, avatars, etc. will be traded with JERO and REIT.

Trading of JERO COIN: JERO COIN will be traded in decentralized exchanges (DEX), such as Polygon Uniswap ( Exchange of JERO COIN in centralized exchanges (CEX) is planned and detailed in the roadmap of the project.

JERO Coin Total Market Cap: 77.520.008 (All initially minted).

The JERO / WETH pool has been created on Polygon Uniswap and is now ready for trading.

REITLION buyers (promotion): Each REITLION / REITLIONESS and REITANGEL NFT buyer will receive 100 JERO COIN, free of charge. Therefore, 2.110.900 JERO COINs will be distributed to each REIT NFT owner since there will be 21.109 NFT lions sold in total.


JERO COIN have been minted once in the amount of 77.520.008. No more JERO COIN will ever be minted.

JERO Coin Total Market Cap: 77.520.008.

The contract is deployed onto Polygon Network.

Contract address: 0x91642fB562F0736757E47f1853026A32e601a2c5